Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fun with the Youth

This past weekend was our spring "Work Weekend" with the youth, when we take them to Ocean Park camp to do volunteer work to get the camp in shape for summer, and of course to have some fun while we're at it. Graham and I tagged along with Jon and 30 kids plus chaperones, which made for a very exciting weekend for Graham. He couldn't seem to decide whether all the noise and activity was too much fun to miss, or simply WAY to overstimulating, but on the whole he just did great! He's such a trooper. Somehow we didn't end up with any pictures of him there, but I'll add a few recent ones just for fun. He's growing so much! He's really filling out, and now has 4 "knee pits" on the back of each leg as well as wrist and ankle rolls. Even so, he remains the cutest baby in the world! Much Love!


Emily said...

he just keeps getting cuter!!!! how can it be??