Sunday, April 5, 2009

More fun with Graham!

We thought it was about time we wrote a little more informative email as Graham is at the stage where every day brings new joys! While we were in Georgia he started really trying to say some new words, most notably and cleary "hot", and as soon as we got home he added "Out" "Up" and "light". We'll attach an audio clip of one of the words, see if you can guess which one!

Click here to listen!

If you asked what else Graham was into these days, a pretty accurate answer would be everything. He LOVES the outdoors, animals, exploring new places, playing in water (or other people's beverages!), reading books and pointing to all of his favorite pictures, pushing his dump truck, kicking his soccer balls, and riding on our backs to name a few. He is fully of energy and life, and is so serious about learning about his world and how to communicate and interact with it.

Here are a couple more pictures from our time in Georgia- don't you like the snotty nose in the bottom picture? The Georgia pollen really got to him...


Keely said...

Graham was clearly saying "hot" in Japanese. He is so talented!

Emily said...

I love seeing Graham in blog updates. I can't wait to see him again in real life. When? I guess the wedding?

philemgreene said...

Graham, you are getting too big! Would you please slow down on the growing just a bit so that you won't be so huge when we see you next?? You are the cutest, sweetest little boy. We're so sad to be missing all these fun phases, but we're so thankful for your parents who do such a great job updating this blog! We love you, sweet boy!