I can't believe so much time has passed since our last post! Since that time we have visited all of our extended families, traveled through 9 states and Canada and Jonathan completed a trip to Africa and back, and now we're finally settled into our new home in Ann Arbor, MI. Pretty exciting first two months of life! Needless to say, it's been tough to find time to get online. All of our pictures have been taken by others, so I will try to track some down to post.
In the meantime, I will just let everyone know that both boys are doing great (and we parents are surviving, too!) Graham has had some moments of jealousy, but is so sweet and helpful, and seems to recognize now that this family addition is permanent. Yesterday he carried all of our clean clothes upstairs (never mind they were all unfolded by the time he reached the top- it was too cute to stop him!)
Quick story to report: as I type this, Graham finished his juice and let out a burp, then said "I make burps. Eliot makes burps, too". What a kid he is. He's so full of fun and imagination. He had a great time hanging out with his Shosho and Babu, and still asks about them all the time, but seems to love living in Ann Arbor.
I think we all are really loving it so far. We've settled in a wonderful community of student housing, all of whom have families. In fact, just about all the kids are near Graham's and Eliot's ages, so friends are plentiful.
Graham has been having so much fun with these new friends, in fact, he is having trouble falling to sleep at naptime. He's required to spend some time in his room each day, "resting" but generally a lot more running around happens than sleeping, but at least he's in his room for forty minutes. When Kate went to get him last rest time, he was anticipating her comment about his being loud. He tried to preempt this by saying, before she could get a word in, "Mommy, I wasn't being loud. (pause) I was just sleeping (pause) with my eyes open." Wittier and wittier.
Kate will have lots of other moms to hang out with while I am in class, and although it will still be an adjustment with two kids, we're feeling very hopeful and excited about the upcoming year.
Sorry we don't have any pictures this go round, but we'll be back updating with vigor in a short bit.