The warm days are disappearing fast, and there has been lots of fun action at the Shaws to catch up on! Here is a picture of Graham in part of his Halloween costume. Along with his buds Dash and Emmanuel he was a Michigan marching band member. I spent a lot of time making the hat which he unfortunately refused to wear for the most part. Oh well!
Quick updates on growth and development: Last week Eliot had his 4 month check up and shots, which went much better than his last set! No hospital stay for us this time, although he did still seem kind of miserable for the day. He has continued to grow very quickly. He's now 24 1/2 inches long, and weighs 16lbs11ozs, right around 80th percentile in both fields. He started rolling over two weeks ago, much to our surprise; he is so laid back we didn't think he'd have such a strong desire to get moving already. It might have something to do with the fact that he loves to watch everything Graham does, and Graham very rarely stays in the same place for more than a minute.
Graham still loves his little brother very much, and showers him with hugs, kisses, and all kinds of toys and affection. Today I walked in from the kitchen and found this scene (btw Graham is laughing, not crying):
I started to scold Graham, but Eliot had a huge smile on his face. As it turns out, they were both having a jolly time.
Our dear friends the Rippys were here to visit last weekend, and we had an amazing time. Graham was so excited to have them both around, and continually asked "John Wippy" and "Charwotte" to "set the race" (his favorite car game). The guys got to see an amazing football game, and we all had a great time around Ann Arbor.
I'll leave you with a quick video of Eliot laughing. He is so full of sunshine, he's just a joy.
Love you all!
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