I had to share this funny story from Graham this afternoon. He picked up one of Jon's and my wedding photos and this commentary followed:
Graham: "Ah! Your Wedding Mommy!"
Me: "Yes, that's when Daddy and I got married".
Graham (seriously): "You're very beautiful"
Me: "Thank you Graham, that's very sweet of you to say!"
Graham (smiling): "Did you dance like a girl?"
I can only guess that he remembers what fun we had dancing at Brandon and Elizabeth's wedding. I'm not sure what it means to dance "like a girl", but I assume that's better than me dancing like a boy!
He's getting so excited about having a little brother. Yesterday he came up to my belly to give it his usual generous hugs and kisses, and lovingly, in a quiet voice said "Bebo [the name he's given the baby] you're getting so big! You're growing!". I can't wait to see how these brothers get to know each other!
I'll add a cute picture from Mother's Day last year just for fun. Happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms!
Hope you are all well. We're enjoying Jon being done with classes although he still has several papers and his thesis to finish up. It's great to have a few more hours together as a family.
Love you all!
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