Hello everyone! We're embarrassed that we've become such poor updaters of our blog, and I know we'll look back and wish we had posted more stories from this wonderful period in Graham's life. He brings us so much joy every day, it's amazing how much fun he is! I will post some pictures from the last few weeks, and tell a few stories, too. We have a few from Halloween-unfortunately the camera died so we don't have many of him dressed up. He was very excited about his "Punkin hat" and outfit, and was a huge fan of the Skittles that accompanied trick-or-treating. We went to our friends the Rippy's and enjoyed their very decorated and spooky neighborhood!
A favorite past-time continues to be running through puddles, as well as hunting mushrooms and then "Stompin'" them. I got him some galoshes to make both of these activities more fun and less messy. The first day he wore them he found a puddle big enough to beat the galoshes! He was soaked almost up to his waist...
Graham continues to relish books and reading time. One of his favorites continues to be his story Bible. Some of his favorite characters include David and Goliath, Jonah, and King Saul (particularly when he throws the spear at David). The other day we were looking through it, and he was naming some of the characters. We came to the Nativity story and he exclaimed "Baby God!" as he pointed to Jesus in the manger. He evidently pieced this description together from what we've told him about Jesus being God's son and being born as a baby. So funny!
One day last week I was working on my Bible study and Graham went into the other room to play. A while later I realized he had gotten awfully quiet... I went into the living room to find the entire area liberally sprinkled with basil that he had somehow gotten from the pantry and opened. At least it made the vacuum cleaner smell nice!
Graham has a new baby cousin Carter (Jon's cousin's son) and he loves to give him kisses and gentle hugs. It has been a little hard for him to share the attention that he usually gets so much of, but he's adjusting well. He's just a little more grown-up every day.
Well I could probably think of stories to tell all night, but I will stop for now. We love each of you, thanks for continuing to check in, and for loving us and Graham so well! Kate
Graham looks a year older since the last post! He is growing up so fast! I really can't wait to see him again!!! Of course Kate and Jon too!!
What a big boy you are Graham. We think you are a very handsome pumpkin! Hugs to you and Mommy and Daddy.
Becki and Chance...
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