Saturday, August 22, 2009


So sorry for how long it's been since our last post, we've got lots of excuses, but none interesting enough to articulate here.

So with no further ado ON TO THE PICTURES!!

I'm starting school up at William and Mary this coming week, and we've come to like gallivanting about campus from time to time. Graham's favorite part is the cannon which sits outside the Wren Building.

We also recently got a bike seat which he loves to ride around in. At first he was a bit tentative, but now he grabs his helmet and yells, "Hat! Bike!" when he wants to go on a ride. Today we went on a long bike ride to the grocery store and back, and as soon as he got down he grabbed his helmet again and yelled, "Hat! Bike!" with a huge smile on his face.

His vocabulary is expanding at an amazing rate, and everyday he picks up a couple more words which he'll throw into conversation every once in a while.

If you'd like to commune deeply with Graham's innermost spirit, please watch the following video on youtube and try to relish it as much as he does:

Fire Trucks!

We'll do our best to keep up more regularly on here.

Thanks for checking in.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to watch Firetrucks next time Graham is over. We might even have to dance. Chris

Emily said...

yaaaaaaaay!!! :) I love the expression on Graham's face, and I love Kate's super cute shirt!
and "Hat! Bike!" is always a great idea. :) thanks for sharing and good luck w/ start of classes!
PS - Fabrice is very interested in meeting you so come back soon!

Ndinda said...

He is too adorable! Can't believe how fast he is growing. Glad you are enjoying being parents, seems like so much fun, cannot wait!

The Mzungus said...

Where's your helmet John? And Flip first dad!