He still loved his mommy after it was all over.

He woke up very sleepy from his nap and gave me this withering look when I took his picture:

He is so much fun to be with. He says juice, ball, up, open, out, bath, hot, mom, dad, bike, light, hat, eyes and book.
Plus lots of other words, sort of.
He has a mild obsession with the vacuum cleaner. If we say "vacuum", no matter where we are in the house or what we are doing he takes us to the closet, makes us open it and has to examine the vacuum for a few moments before he is able to undertake any other task.
He's also gotten very into his book about machines. His favorite machines are: race car, hovercraft, motorcycle, tractor and fire truck.
Other than bike he can't say any of the machine names, so he has invented his own blanket term for any mechanical device: "Lllllllloooorpah". He loves saying this and will say it whenever he sees any construction equipment on a drive.
such a fun post!! How many trips have you made to the closet lately? Do you have a budding engineer?
I love the withering look! it's the best thing ever. Also his coining of terms for what he needs as a word that just sounds cool. He is definitely related to me. ;)
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