Jonathan has been taking so many beautiful pictures with his new camera that there was no room for words in the last post! Graham is growing up so fast-- his bottom two teeth are now mostly grown in, and he is walking all the way across rooms now without touching anything. He is very proud of his many discoveries around the house, (ie a piece of garbage that missed the trash, a sock, etc) and will excitedly bring them us, or even better bring them to the dog that we are watching for Uncle John and Aunt Claudia. The dog, named Camden, has been a source of constant interest and joy for Graham (the feeling is not always mutual) and he is incredibly tolerant of the "pats" and kisses that Graham likes to give him. Of course the food and water dishes are also an ongoing temptation. Graham is so fascinated we are tempted to get a dog of our own- we'll have to wait until we're a little more settled to make that decision, though! Most of the pictures are on Jon's new computer, but I will put a couple of older ones up just for fun. As evidenced by these, his love for books and snuggling hasn't changed.
In less than two weeks, Graham will be one. Can you believe it?? I can't.
Much love,
I can't believe it either, but I can't wait!! because it means less than 2 weeks before I'm going to get to see you guys again! :)
wish we could pop over again THIS February. We are a lot busier and you guys are further away tho! Hopefully late spring we can meet!!!
Graham is so adorable! Time sure does fly. I am glad you are both enjoying this experience.
lots of love-Ndinda
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