Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not feeling well.

Graham's a bit under the weather today, so please be thinking of him in the next couple days. He had a 103.5 degree temp this morning at the doctors and has been super snuggly and sad all day. =(

Here are some photos from happier times:

Graham bonding with Camden, the Harbaugh's dog:

Monday, January 19, 2009

More words this time

Jonathan has been taking so many beautiful pictures with his new camera that there was no room for words in the last post! Graham is growing up so fast-- his bottom two teeth are now mostly grown in, and he is walking all the way across rooms now without touching anything. He is very proud of his many discoveries around the house, (ie a piece of garbage that missed the trash, a sock, etc) and will excitedly bring them us, or even better bring them to the dog that we are watching for Uncle John and Aunt Claudia. The dog, named Camden, has been a source of constant interest and joy for Graham (the feeling is not always mutual) and he is incredibly tolerant of the "pats" and kisses that Graham likes to give him. Of course the food and water dishes are also an ongoing temptation. Graham is so fascinated we are tempted to get a dog of our own- we'll have to wait until we're a little more settled to make that decision, though! Most of the pictures are on Jon's new computer, but I will put a couple of older ones up just for fun. As evidenced by these, his love for books and snuggling hasn't changed.

In less than two weeks, Graham will be one. Can you believe it?? I can't.

Much love,

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First tooth

This picture was taken a few days ago when you could just start to see his tooth popping through- you'll have to look closely! Graham continues to be such a delight. After he goes to bed at night we enjoy grown-up time, but we miss him, too!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

More milestones

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a wonderful celebration, and have made some good resolutions. Graham has evidently resolved to walk as soon as possible in 2009- today he took his first "real" steps, between Jon and I three different times, which was amazing to see! He's still a little concerned about striking out on his own, but more and more he tries to walk instead of dropping down to crawl everywhere he goes. I think before Shosho leaves next week he'll really be going. In other news, his first tooth finally popped through two days ago as well! It the is bottom right incisor, and he loves to run his tongue and fingers over the little ridge all day long. It must be a strange new sensation!
And here are some sandbox pictures as I promised.

As you can see he was very serious about his work. He can focus so intensely sometimes, it's funny and fascinating to watch. I wonder what is going on in that little head.
Jonathan and I have been talking about how we kind of wish Graham would stop growing up because he is at such a fun and cute stage. I am going to miss his little backside as he crawls down the hall, and his unintelligible jabbering that is obviously deeply meaningful to him once he starts talking and walking. But this isn't the first time we've thought it was an amazing life stage. I guess that is part of the magic of children, each new discovery is as good or better than the last.

Much love,