Hello all!
We will be heading to Georgetown for the next couple of days so this will be the last post for a while, but I had to post a few more precious pictures first. Yesterday Graham got to meet our good friend Andrea Vivona (also known as V) and he thought she was great! We had a great day sitting out on the porch breaking beans and talking. Here are some choice snippets from that time. Enjoy!
We really miss Daddy these days and although we're having a great time here, it will be wonderful to see him. I sounds like things are going well in Thailand, though, so it's good that he's there. It feels like Graham might be walking and talking by the time we're back to Washington the way things are going! He just can't try enough new things!
was the shirt an Auntie Emily pick? I love these pictures. The cucumber looks GREAT! Wanna share with me Graham?
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