Hello Folks! This is Graham here, letting you know how my two month check-up went. I have grown a lot- I now weigh 12lbs12ozs, and am 24 inches long. That's 75th percentile on the weight, but near the top on height. So, looks like some of my tall genes might kick in. I guess you'll have to wait a few years to know for sure!
I also got my first round of vaccines, and I was very brave. In fact, Mom cried much longer than I did (how embarrassing! I can't take her anywhere!). Here is a picture of me getting ready to go (and about to sneeze) in my little Nike hat. Aren't I the cutest?
I am so good at talking these days, I just love to sit and chat with whoever is in front of me. Some of my favorite sounds are "Ahh" and "Nngoo?" Mom will try to get Dad to put a video up soon. The shots have set me back a little bit as I've needed some extra love and holding, but overall I'm a real champ. Love you all! Graham
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