This past weekend was our spring "Work Weekend" with the youth, when we take them to Ocean Park camp to do volunteer work to get the camp in shape for summer, and of course to have some fun while we're at it. Graham and I tagged along with Jon and 30 kids plus chaperones, which made for a very exciting weekend for Graham. He couldn't seem to decide whether all the noise and activity was too much fun to miss, or simply WAY to overstimulating, but on the whole he just did great! He's such a trooper. Somehow we didn't end up with any pictures of him there, but I'll add a few recent ones just for fun. He's growing so much! He's really filling out, and now has 4 "knee pits" on the back of each leg as well as wrist and ankle rolls. Even so, he remains the cutest baby in the world! Much Love!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Fun with the Youth
This past weekend was our spring "Work Weekend" with the youth, when we take them to Ocean Park camp to do volunteer work to get the camp in shape for summer, and of course to have some fun while we're at it. Graham and I tagged along with Jon and 30 kids plus chaperones, which made for a very exciting weekend for Graham. He couldn't seem to decide whether all the noise and activity was too much fun to miss, or simply WAY to overstimulating, but on the whole he just did great! He's such a trooper. Somehow we didn't end up with any pictures of him there, but I'll add a few recent ones just for fun. He's growing so much! He's really filling out, and now has 4 "knee pits" on the back of each leg as well as wrist and ankle rolls. Even so, he remains the cutest baby in the world! Much Love!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Father/Son Duet
Here it is: proof that Graham is a musical prodigy. Unfortunately, due to my inadequacies with the camera you have to rotate your head sideways, but it was too cute not so share it. Next time I'll have Jon do the camera work:
He's ten weeks old today! We can't believe it. He's been such a sweet boy, it really seems like his personality is coming out. He's a smile machine and loves to stare and stare at his Mom and Dad, and give us huge grins, and googoo us till our hearts just melt down into our bellies.
He's ten weeks old today! We can't believe it. He's been such a sweet boy, it really seems like his personality is coming out. He's a smile machine and loves to stare and stare at his Mom and Dad, and give us huge grins, and googoo us till our hearts just melt down into our bellies.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
New Adventures
Well, Graham's life is really starting to get more interesting these days! The sad part is that we had to say Goodbye to ShoSho Sunday as she flew back to Kenya. I think he misses her loving arms, as he was quite a bit more difficult to console on Monday. Maybe he just sensed there was something not quite right! On Saturday, though, he enjoyed his first hike through the Gorge with our Youth Group- fortunately Shosho was there to pull up the rear with me and Graham; I don't hike as quickly with an extra 13 pounds to pack around. He seemed to enjoy the fresh air and occasional rain by sleeping right through it. It was a beautiful time, and it felt great to get outdoors in spite of the coolness of the day.

A few days before that we enjoyed the lovely campus at WSU Vancouver. Jon had an appointment with an admissions counselor so we enjoyed a walk and the view of Mt. St. Helens while we waited. Unfortunately Graham wasn't too impressed as this interrupted his nap time.
He will probably kill me for this next one in a few years, but I just can't resist such an adorable bathtime picture! He loves splashing around in the water.
And here is one of him and Dad in their blue hoodies, a necessity if you're a guy in this family. I love how he's got a good grip on Jon's cord.

And although he's not usually allowed to watch TV, (we don't want to damage his developing psyche!) he does join us for Soccer games and lately some of the NCAA games; he loves the action and colors. He's pretty amazing at holding his head up these days as well! Before long I think he'll be rolling over, if he doesn't get too frustrated trying.
Blessings to each of you! Love Kate, Jon and Graham
He will probably kill me for this next one in a few years, but I just can't resist such an adorable bathtime picture! He loves splashing around in the water.
And although he's not usually allowed to watch TV, (we don't want to damage his developing psyche!) he does join us for Soccer games and lately some of the NCAA games; he loves the action and colors. He's pretty amazing at holding his head up these days as well! Before long I think he'll be rolling over, if he doesn't get too frustrated trying.
Blessings to each of you! Love Kate, Jon and Graham
Friday, April 4, 2008
Two month check-up
Hello Folks! This is Graham here, letting you know how my two month check-up went. I have grown a lot- I now weigh 12lbs12ozs, and am 24 inches long. That's 75th percentile on the weight, but near the top on height. So, looks like some of my tall genes might kick in. I guess you'll have to wait a few years to know for sure!
I also got my first round of vaccines, and I was very brave. In fact, Mom cried much longer than I did (how embarrassing! I can't take her anywhere!). Here is a picture of me getting ready to go (and about to sneeze) in my little Nike hat. Aren't I the cutest?
I am so good at talking these days, I just love to sit and chat with whoever is in front of me. Some of my favorite sounds are "Ahh" and "Nngoo?" Mom will try to get Dad to put a video up soon. The shots have set me back a little bit as I've needed some extra love and holding, but overall I'm a real champ. Love you all! Graham
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