Hello anyone who happens to still check this blog-- I have truly become delinquent! But, recently we've had a slew of news-worthy happenings that I thought I should record. The most recent is that a week ago Friday Graham was playing on indoor play equipment at the mall, slid off of the turtle slide and was jumped on by a slightly larger kid; somehow in the process he broke his femur! He was with his Shosho and Babu (more on that later) and they rushed him right to the ER, picking me up on the way, and we spent a long evening there, followed by a couple of hours in the OR for anesthesia and placement of a spica cast which he will wear for the next 6 weeks while the bone heals. 1.5 weeks in we are all adjusting, and he has been very brave indeed. It is a terrible thing to see your child in such pain, but wonderful to feel he is in such good hands and to know that he should heal quickly and completely!We have felt so blessed to have Jon's parents here with us, they've been a huge help and we've also felt such an outpouring of love and prayers from our neighbors and church community.
I really will try to catch up again soon, much love to all!