Graham has been so funny and full of great stories lately and yet somehow I forget them all! He's so sweet with Eliot and they've really started to be "friends" now, although Eliot can't do many of the things that he's dying to do just like his brother. He's close to walking, but still doesn't seem to think it's necessary, so really doesn't want to put the effort in. He's taken many steps on his own multiple times, but whenever we try to stand him up and get him going he just plops down and crawls like there's no tomorrow.
The other day G had a rare potty accident because he didn't want to stop playing outside in the sandbox. When Jon asked him what happened, (perhaps he thought this might help him avoid our wrath!) he replied "I don't know, my kidneys just made me go pee". In a similar vein, yesterday he came down from using the toilet and proudly proclaimed "Mommy I just went pee and it ALL went in the toilet!". Hope that doesn't scare you away from coming to visit us, since we only have one bathroom...
He loves to give people nick names, so he currently calls his brother either El-y or El, and he has a very cute habit of calling me "Mother" or the shortened form "Mothe" (as in Muhth).
He continues to be captivated by anything Lego, Playmobile, or with either policeman or rocket/space themes, and he stills plays garbage collector on a regular basis. Sibling rivalry has begun to seep into our midst, particularly if Eliot tries to touch any of the aforementioned favored toys. Ever thinking, Graham is always quick to explain "NO EL YOU CAN'T TOUCH IT! [receives a stern look from one of us] It's not safe for babies, you might choke".
In sad news, our very dear friends the Wootens moved away last week, so Graham said goodbye to his best buddy Dash. When we tried to explain the move to him he kept insisting that Dash would be moving back soon, like we did after our trip to Africa. They were such great friends, we'll definitely miss sharing the ins and outs of life with them, but know that they will be going on to great things at Dartmouth.
In happy news, another very dear friend Debbie was here to visit this past weekend and we had so much fun together! The boys think she's awesome and Graham gets to be the ring-bearer at her wedding in just a few months! Hopefully he'll be old enough to make it all the way down the aisle this time...
Well, as I said I'm not forgetting all my good stories so I'll try to pop on and add some more when I think of them, or when they occur, in the next few days. Take care all!