A recent trip to Detroit's Renaissance Center (GM's headquarter's)
I love these guys!
First day of school
Graham has recently started preschool at the University's Child Development Center, and his class of 18 has 14 different first languages within it. He was very excited to try this new experience, and loves painting, playing with cars and tool boxes, doing crafts, playing outside and helping with clean up time. Most of the time we're all still home together, and we love to do everything from grocery shopping to trips to the science museum to sledding and winter hikes. Graham is a real natural with the sled, and can't seem to get enough.
He continues to crack us up with his wise sayings and wonderings. Last week's sermon at our church was a great one about the redeeming power of God's love. Our pastor used an illustration of a conversation he had had with his young son. He had asked him whether he thought his parents loved him as much when he was bad as when he was good. Jon decided to pose the same question to Graham on our way home from church. He paused for at least 30 seconds, obviously contemplating how he should answer, then said, brows furrowed, "Daddy--that's a bad question I think".
He is still so sweet and sensitive, it is (most days) a joy to be his parents. I am learning all over again to be very careful about what I say, as I now hear "Mommy, how many times have a told you..." He also repeats the nicer things, like last week when he came downstairs in the morning, gave me a hug, looked into my eyes and said, with great seriousness "Hey Sweety. Did you have a good sleep?"
He loves his brother Eliot, although already enjoys NOT sharing with him, and showers him with lots of hugs, kisses, and toys (those that aren't interesting or enviable in any way). They are quite a pair and they keep me busy and happy.
In other big news, Graham is officially potty trained, which has been a long time coming! We are so proud of him and happy to have only one in diapers.
Even bigger news, is that Jon got a Fellowship to study abroad this summer, so we will be in Africa (Uganda) for 3 months! His research there will be focused on Congo and we'll be near the border. We're so excited to get back and find out first-hand how our family will fit in on our "home" continent. Pray for us as we prepare for this big trip. The boys get their passport photos taken tomorrow!
I'm sorry our posts have been so sporadic... I really wish I was better at taking pictures and documenting like I was in Graham's first year of life. I guess that's second child syndrome, right? I hope Eliot knows we love him just as much, even if we have a few hundred less photos of his cute little face. Much love to all!