Then, last weekend, we went back to our other home in Vancouver, WA and had an amazing time with our church family there! What a gift and a blessing it was to be there with such dear friends, and to feel so loved and supported. We came to vi
So, enough news, let me see if I can think of some good Graham stories. We've had one significant snow which was SUCH fun for him. We bundled up and spent as
Graham's imagination has really blossomed in the last few weeks. He loves to make up stories and talk about imaginary things. One of his favorite games is "cooking" which consists of pouring/mixing various substances, from water to sand to the favored basil, in a variety of bowls and cups. He will tell you what he is cooking, that generally being "fries", "fruit salad" or "food". He continues his fascination with the Bible and stories about Jesus and other Bible characters. Yesterday, while we were playing in the sandbox he had me hold a big cup while he scooped it full of sand with a smaller one. As he scooped he informed me "It's water." Once my big cup was completely full, he took it from me and said "Now it's wine." What?? He's only heard that story once or twice, but evidently his game reminded him of Jesus' first miracle. He definitely keeps us laughing. He also loves to draw and will talk elaborately about what his scribbles represent. He loves dinosaurs, sharks, and anything that can go "Roar!". He still likes to eat, especially fruits, veggies, fruit snacks, rice pudding, and yoghurt raisins. In fact a few night ago as he was talking himself to sleep he started to call down "Mommy--Like some yoghurt raisins. Mooooommy- some yoghurt raisins please!" It was all I could do to not bring him up a handfull!
This is just a sampling from our recent life, but I hope it's enough to give you a glimpse of what a joy and blessing we have in Graham. He loves people and hugs and kisses, so if you haven't gotten one from him recently I hope you'll get a chance soon! Thanks for checking in with us!