It's been ages since we updated this blog, and we're sorry. So to make up for it we have a photo extravaganza! We've been taking pictures this whole time, so we'll try to keep you updated more frequently in the next few weeks.
The big news is that Graham went on a long car trip with Mom and Dad up to Kate's cousin's wedding in Connecticut last weekend.
He loved seeing his family again, especially his Granna...

and Grandad...

and Aunt Emily:

As you can see in a couple of those pictures, he was wearing his first ever tux, courtesy of the Moore family!
It took a little doing to get it on on the way to the wedding:

and he gave us his best James Bond look when we put on his bowtie...

Half on now...

There we go! What a cutie! But what's this weird thing on my jacket??

Now I'm looking good:

Graham's big job was to carry the ring down the aisle. He was PERFECT in practice:

and there you go!

But he got a little overwhelmed when it came to the big show, and threw the pillow across the room and lost a shoe before he made it to Mom. It was still very cute though, and he loved the attention.
Afterward, he was a little overwhelmed and needed a good snuggle and nosepick:

He loved seeing his Mom with her cousins and sister:

And when things got boring, Grandad was always good for a ride around:

At the reception he learned a new word, "Dance" or as he says it, "Dahntzzz". His favorite dance partner was a college friend, Kwadwo:

He also loved playing peek-a-boo with his great-Grandmother (thanks for the great pictures, Emily):

He is very eager to share his boo-boos with all who will listen. Listen, and then, of course, kiss it better. Here he gets solace from his Auntie Johanna:

When we had to leave everyone was sad, but it made us all feel better to stop and smell the roses.

Thanks for everything, family!