It's about time I got another blog up here! December has simply flown by, and suddenly it's pretty much over. Before we get any closer to January I have to put up some pictures of Graham's first Christmas, which was a very fun affair indeed.
We celebrated with Shosho and Babu on the 22nd before they headed down to Georgia, and then Granna and Granddad came to visit for the day itself. Wow, he had a great time! We all got some great presents, and Graham had a ball with all of his, as well as with the various sparkly and shiny Christmas paraphenalia, and most of all with the extra people around to hug and kiss on. He is such a loving and cuddly boy, and that just seems to increase as he grows and becomes more aware of what it means to relate and to love. I've said it before, but we are so blessed!
For Christmas Jonathan got a new camera, which will hopefully jump start his new videography business, so some of the pictures I'll add will be extra beautiful as a result. Today it was almost 80 degrees here in Virginia so we got to try out one of Graham's new gifts, the sandbox! I haven't downloaded those pictures yet (of sand everywhere, including in the mouth- thankfully it only took once to learn that lesson!) so you'll have to wait until next time for those.
Much love to everyone, and I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!