Hello again!
We decided to finally get around to taking a few pictures while Granddad is here-- he is working so hard that we don't find much time to stop and snap some shots! We also have forgotten our camera for all of the fun we've had; Graham went on his second hike in the Gorge, a 3 hr jaunt up to the top of a cliff to our favorite spot "Angel's Rest". He LOVED every minute of it, couldn't seem to get enough of the trees, birds, and breeze, and of course had radiant smiles for each of us and any fellow hikers we encountered. In spite of blowing right through his usual nap time he was a bundle of joy all day. We also took Granddad to the International Rose Test Garden, another favorite for all of us, and Graham especially liked grabbing the old shriveled blooms to crush in his little hands. But, as I said, we forgot our camera for all of the fun, so a few cute shots from around the house will have to do! I will also post a video of one of Graham's favorite new past-times, clapping hands with us.
In other exciting news, we recently invested in some beautiful new appliances to improve our kitchen. Here is a picture of me with the inaugural apple pie! I'm so excited because not only do I have a wonderful new oven (that actually cooks at the set temperature!) and refrigerator that doesn't freezer burn everything, but I get a dishwasher that will be installed in just a couple of days! YEAH! Life will be just a little bit easier. Enough writing, let me post the pictures and get to eating some of that pie... Love you each and every one!
Kate, Jonathan, and Graham